An ongoing series about different faces with 'different faces’. Who are you and when are you you?
An exploration of identity, gender, life, and the unbearable beauty of existence.
F A C E S | C O R O N A E D I T I O N | 2021
The faces collection expanded with a corona proof open call.
The received photos where very diverse - from selfies to professional portraits,
old photos discovered and new pictures were made.
All these variables turned this chapter of the series into artistic research and furthermore, identity questioning.
What is identity? Which parts of the face give the identity, and how can they be manipulated?
Eyes seem to play an important role in the surreal photos and animations -sometimes multiplied,
radiating darkness or perhaps vulnerability. As windows of the soul both in and out.
Thank you all! From left to right; Baby Tuwana Kotta, Kees Wissink, Romy Sterkman, Marloes Aben, Angela Herenda, Rozalien Kolkman, Bart Kolkman
O R I G I N A L F A C E S | O N G O I N G